
The system uses the Flask internal configuration method to source configuration values from a Python module which it’s path is specified through an environment variable.

The variable name should be VRP_CONFIGURATION and should be set before instantiating the main REST API application server.

This file can be used to configure the Flask server, the Celery application through the values of an object called CELERY, and a number of application-specific elements through values defined in the default_configuration module.

Any value which exists in the default configuration module and which is not overridden in the personal configuration file will maintain the value defined in the default configuration.

This package comes with a print_example_configuration module which can print out an example configuration file.

See the Flask and Celery configuration directives for more details.

Celery config values wrapper module

Furthermore, a helper module called celery_conf_values is available that exposes a Celery-compatible configuration object for values extracted from the application configuration file. This can be helpful if one wants to define values for the application yet reuse those same directives for Celery compliant modules (e.g.: flower).

Default configuration file contents

# coding: utf-8

Default configuration values for service gateway package.

Copy this file, rename it if you like, then edit to keep only the values you
need to override for the keys found within.

To have the programs in the package override the values with the values
found in this file, you need to set the environment variable named
"VRP_CONFIGURATION" to the path of your own copy before launching the program.

See also :py:mod:`VestaRestPackage.print_example_configuration`.

from os.path import dirname, join
__THIS_DIR__ = dirname(__file__)

MY_SERVER_NAME = "localhost"

# Database name relative to the current application directory
    'Invocations': {
        'filename': "service_invocations.db",
            join(__THIS_DIR__, "db_struct/service_invocations_schema.sql")},
    'Requests': {
        'filename': "requests.db",
            join(__THIS_DIR__, "db_struct/requests_schema.sql")}}


    'BROKER_URL': "amqp://localhost//",
    'CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND': "amqp://",
    'CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT': ["json"],

REQUEST_REGISTER_FN = "static/requests.shelve"

# security section. For tests without security, put
    # Needed for workers to call VLB to obtain resources:
    'AUTHORISATION_KEY': "aed9yhfapgaegaeg",
    # Used to configure JSON web token.
    'JWT': {
        'JWT_SIGNATURE_KEY': "vJmMvm44x6RJcVXNPy6UDcSfJHOHNHrT1tKpo4IQ4MU=",
        'JWT_AUDIENCE': "vlbTest",
        'JWT_ALGORITHM': "HS512",
        'JWT_DURATION': 600  # The following is specified in seconds.

GET_STORAGE_DOC_REQ_URL = ("http://localhost:5002/get/{storage_doc_id}")
POST_STORAGE_DOC_REQ_URL = ("http://localhost:5002/add"
                            "?service_key=" + SECURITY["AUTHORISATION_KEY"])
POST_ANNOTATIONS_REQ_URL = ("http://localhost:5001/"

# -- Specific to VestaLoadBalancer --------------------------------------------
# In the following definition, every key is a service.
# Expected values follow this example :
# 'my_service': {
#     # Keyword used in the rest API to access this service
#     # (ex.: http://server/<route_keyword>/info)
#     # Set to '.' to access this service without keyword
#     # (ex.: http://server/info)
#     'route_keyword': 'my_service',
#     # The celery task name.
#     # Must match the task in the worker APP name.
#     # (ex.: my_package.my_service)
#     'celery_task_name': 'my_package.my_service',
#     # The celery queue name.
#     # Must match the queue name specified when starting the worker
#     # (by the -Q switch)
#     'celery_queue_name': 'my_service',
#     # Following parameters are required by the CANARIE API (info request)
#     'name': 'My service',
#     'synopsis': "RESTful service providing my_service.",
#     'version': "0.1.0",  # Expected version - will check.
#     'institution': 'My Organisation',
#     'releaseTime': '2015-01-01T00:00:00Z',
#     'supportEmail': '',
#     'category': "Data Manipulation",
#     'researchSubject': "My research subject",
#     'tags': "my_service, research",
#     # The following parameters are used to respond to some CANARIE API
#     # request.
#     #
#     # They must be one of the following:
#     #  - A valid URL to perform a redirection
#     #  - A relative template file that will be used to generate the html page
#     #    (relative to the templates directory)
#     #  - A response string and the html status separated by a comma that will
#     #    be used  to make a response to the requested element. Ex.: 'Not
#     #    available,404'
#     'home': "http://localhost/docs/my_service.html",
#     'doc': "http://localhost/docs/my_service.html",
#     'releasenotes': "http://localhost/docs/my_service.html",
#     'support': "http://localhost/docs/my_service.html",
#     # If the source are not provided, CANARIE requires a 204 (No content)
#     # response
#     'source': ",204",
#     'tryme': "http://localhost/docs/my_service.html",
#     'licence': "http://localhost/docs/my_service.html",
#     'provenance': "http://localhost/docs/my_service.html",
#     # Specify if the service should work without any parameters supplied.
#     'noparams': False,
#     'os_args': {'image': 'my_service_image_name_v_0.1.0',
#                 'instance_type': 'm1.large'},
#     # Process-request to spawn VM ratio
#     'rubber_params': {'spawn_ratio': 0.1}
#    }



# OpenStack access configuration.
OPS_CONFIG = {'name': 'My OpenStack',
              'cloud_type': 'OpenStack',  # Important so we use the right API.
              'networks': ['ops_net_name'],
              'security_group': ["default"],
              'username': 'MY_USER_NAME',
              'password': 'MY_PASSWORD',
              'tenant_name': 'TENANT_NAME',
              'auth_url': '',
              'key_name': 'MY_KEY_NAME'}

RUBBER_MAX_VM_QTY = 50  # Maximum number of Virtual machines we can spawn.
# Default seconds to wait between elasticity evaluations:
# Time after which a non-functional VM will be terminated:

FLOWER_API_URL = "http://localhost:5555/api"

MSS = {
    'SWIFT': {
        # shh certificate to connect to remote computer if

        'certificate_filename': 'dir/to/the/certificate.pem',
        # remote computer address if SWIFT_AUTHENTIFICATION_OPTIONS = V2_REMOTE
        'token_server': 'localhost',
        'token_server_user': 'user',
        'os-auth-url': 'http://localhost:8080/v2.0',
        'os-tenant-name': 'tenant',
        'os-username': 'username',
        'os-password': 'password',
        'os-region-name': 'region'

    'STORAGE_SERVICE_CONTAINER': 'ServiceStorageMultimedia',

    # Swift token renewal frequency (Twice a day)
    'TOKEN_RENEWAL_FREQ': 43200,

    # Temp URL validity (One day)
    # Describes the API used to access swift. The options are V1_LOCAL for
    # Docker local swift, V2 for standard V2 api, and V2_REMOTE when a remote
    # ssh host is used to get swift credentials.
    'SWIFT_REDIRECT_URL': 'http://localhost:8080',
    # Part of the auth url to ignore when returning a swift access url for the
    # client.