Source code for VestaRestPackage.utility_rest

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8

This module is a collection of utility functions used mainly by the rest_route
module and which are placed here to keep the rest_route module as clean as

import future
from future.standard_library import install_aliases

# -- Standard lib ------------------------------------------------------------
import configparser as ConfigParser
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import http.client as httplib
from os import path, getcwd
import traceback
import threading
import sqlite3
import logging
import sys
import re

# -- 3rd party ---------------------------------------------------------------
from werkzeug.datastructures import MIMEAccept
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter
from flask import render_template
from flask import make_response
from flask import current_app
from flask import redirect
from flask import request
from flask import jsonify
from flask import Markup
from flask import g

# -- Project specific --------------------------------------------------------
from VestaService.request_process_mesg import (WorkerExceptionWrapper,
from .vesta_exceptions import (DocumentUrlNotValidException,
from .app_objects import APP, CELERY_APP

[docs]def request_wants_json(): """ Check if the request type is of type JSON. The default mimetype */* is interpreted as JSON. """ # Best will be JSON if it's in accepted mimetypes and # has a quality greater or equal to HTML. # For */* both JSON and HTML will have the same quality so JSON still win choices = ['application/json', 'text/html'] best = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(choices) return best == 'application/json'
[docs]def request_wants_xml(): """ Check if the request type is of type XML. The default mimetype */* is interpreted as JSON. """ # Best will be JSON if it's in accepted mimetypes and # has a quality greater or equal to HTML. # For */* both JSON and HTML will have the same quality so JSON still win choices = ['application/json', 'text/html', 'application/xml'] best = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(choices) return best == 'application/xml'
[docs]def set_html_as_default_response(): """ By default if the accepted mimetypes contains */*, JSON format will be used. By calling this function, the */* mimetype will be changed explicitly into text/html so that it becomes the mimetype used by default. """ # Best will be HTML if it's in accept mimetypes and # has a quality greater or equal to JSON. # For */* both JSON and HTML will have the same quality so HTML still wins best = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(['text/html', 'application/json']) # Replace any */* by HTML so that JSON isn't picked by default if best == 'text/html': request.accept_mimetypes = \ MIMEAccept([('text/html', request.accept_mimetypes['text/html'])])
[docs]def validate_service_route(service_route): """ Check if service name is a value amongst known services in the configuration. :param service_route: Route name of the service coming from the URL e.g.: ['diarisation', 'stt', etc.] :returns: Service name associated with the route :raises: :py:exc:`~.vesta_exceptions.UnknownServiceError` """ if service_route not in APP.config['WORKER_SERVICES']: raise UnknownServiceError(service_route) route = APP.config['WORKER_SERVICES'][service_route]['route_keyword'] return route
[docs]def validate_uuid(uuid, service_name): """ Validate UUID existence for a given service. :param uuid: UUID of a given request :type uuid: Unicode :param service_name: Name of the service which is requested. :type service_name: string :raises: UnknownUUIDError in case that the UUID isn't owned by the given service. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) query = 'select count(*) from requests where service = ? and uuid = ?' logger.debug("Accessing information for request %s to %s", uuid, service_name) database = get_requests_db() cur = database.execute(query, [service_name, uuid]) rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() if rows[0][0] == 0: raise UnknownUUIDError(uuid)
[docs]def validate_state(uuid, service_name, state): """ Validate the state of a given task. - Check that the activity flag is True if the task has leave the PENDING status - Check that the worker version in the payload fit the configuration one :param uuid: UUID of a given request :type uuid: Unicode :param service_name: Name of the service which is requested. :type service_name: string :param state: The state of the task :type state: Dictionary containing task status :raises: :py:exc:`~.vesta_exceptions.VersionMismatchError` in case of a version mismatch """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) select_query = ('select activity from requests where ' 'service = ? and uuid = ?') logger.debug("Verifying the activity flag in DB " "for request %s to %s", uuid, service_name) database = get_requests_db() cur = database.execute(select_query, [service_name, uuid]) rows = cur.fetchall() activity_flag = rows[0][0] logger.debug("Activity flag is: %s", activity_flag) logger.debug("State is: %s", state) cur.close() if state['status'] == 'PENDING': # The task is pending: Check the activity flag, in case it is on, # the task has expired and is no more PENDING if activity_flag: state['status'] = 'EXPIRED' logger.debug('Status of task %s for %s is reported as PENDING, ' 'but the task has been running. The task queue has ' 'EXPIRED', uuid, service_name) elif not activity_flag: # The task is being executed: Ensure that the activity flag is on. update_query = ('update requests set activity=? where ' 'service = ? and uuid = ?') logger.debug("Turning on the activity flag in db " "of task %s for %s", uuid, service_name) cur = database.execute(update_query, [True, service_name, uuid]) cur.close() database.commit() if state['status'] == 'PROGRESS': payload_ver = state['result']['worker_id_version'] decl_ver = APP.config['WORKER_SERVICES'][service_name]['version'] if payload_ver != decl_ver: msg = ('Service {serv} declares the version {decl_ver} ' 'in its config file but messages received from its worker ' 'contain the version {payload_ver}.' .format(serv=service_name, decl_ver=decl_ver, payload_ver=payload_ver)) raise VersionMismatchError(msg) return state
[docs]def store_uuid(uuid, service_name): """ Store a UUID so it can be validated later. :param uuid: UUID of a given request :type uuid: Unicode :param service_name: Name of the service which is requested. :type service_name: string """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) query = 'insert into requests values(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?, ?, ?)' logger.debug("Keeping track of request «%s» for %s", uuid, service_name) database = get_requests_db() cur = database.execute(query, [service_name, uuid, False]) cur.close() database.commit()
def async_fct_wrapper(out_dict, fct, *args, **kwargs): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: logger.debug("fct : %s", fct) logger.debug("args : %s", args) logger.debug("kwargs : %s", kwargs) if "no_params_needed" in kwargs: logger.debug("Removing argument no_params_needed") kwargs.pop("no_params_needed") out_dict['return_value'] = fct(*args, **kwargs) logger.debug("out_dict : %s", out_dict) except: logger.exception("Threaded calling of Celery hit exception which " "follows:", exc_info=True) out_dict['exception'] = sys.exc_info()
[docs]def async_call(fct, *args, **kwargs): """ Call AMQP functions with any arg or kwargs in an asynchronous manner. :param fct: The function to call asynchronously :param args: Arguments :param kwargs: Keyword arguments :return: The function output :raises: :py:exc:`~.vesta_exceptions.AMQPError` if a timeout occurs """ out_dict = {'return_value': None, 'exception': None} args_augmented = (out_dict, fct) args_augmented += args thr = threading.Thread(target=async_fct_wrapper, args=args_augmented, kwargs=kwargs) thr.start() thr.join(timeout=5) if thr.is_alive(): raise AMQPError() if out_dict['exception'] is not None: exc = out_dict['exception'] raise exc[0], exc[1], exc[2] return out_dict['return_value']
def get_request_url(request_type, kwargs): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("Arguments are : %s", kwargs) request_url = APP.config[request_type] return request_url.format(**kwargs)
[docs]def validate_url(url): """ Check if URL is invalid. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("Validating URL : %s", url) url_p = urlparse(url) if not url_p.scheme or not url_p.netloc or not url_p.path: raise DocumentUrlNotValidException(url)
[docs]def submit_task(storage_doc_id, task_name, service_route='.', **extra_params): """ Submit a task to a worker. :param storage_doc_id: The document ID for which a task should be run. :param task_name: The task name for logging purposes :param service_route: service route to obtain the requested service name :param extra_params: Extra parameters that are passed to send_task_request :returns: JSON object with the task UUID or error response. :raises: :py:exc:`~.vesta_exceptions.MissingParameterError` """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) service_name = validate_service_route(service_route) params = extra_params logger.debug("Extra params are : %s", params) no_params_needed = params.get('no_params_needed', False) logger.debug("no_params_needed is set to %s", no_params_needed) if service_route == '.': friendly_task_name = task_name else: friendly_task_name = '{0} by {1}'.format(task_name, service_name) if storage_doc_id is None: doc_url = None if not no_params_needed: # If storage_doc_id is None a full doc_url must be given if 'doc_url' not in request.values: raise MissingParameterError('POST', '/{0}'.format(task_name), 'doc_url') else: # request.values combines values from arguments and form doc_url = request.values['doc_url']'Submitting "%s" task with public url : %s', friendly_task_name, doc_url) else: doc_url = get_request_url('GET_STORAGE_DOC_REQ_URL', {'storage_doc_id': storage_doc_id})'Submitting "%s" task with storage doc id : %s', friendly_task_name, storage_doc_id) if no_params_needed is False: validate_url(doc_url) # For all storage_*_id given in request.values, resolve them if necessary # and add them to the misc data holder to async_call def is_storage_arg(x): return x.startswith('storage_') and x.endswith('_id') def is_url_arg(x): return x.endswith('_url') and x != 'doc_url' storage_args = list(filter(is_storage_arg, list(request.values.keys()))) url_args = list(filter(is_url_arg, list(request.values.keys()))) if 'misc' not in params: logger.debug("Initialising empty dict for absent misc structure") params['misc'] = {} if storage_args or url_args: logger.debug("%s arguments referencing storage ids: %s", len(storage_args), storage_args) for storage_arg in storage_args: url_ = None # E.g.: If "storage_txt_id" then doctype == 'txt' doctype = storage_arg.split('_')[1] direct_url_arg = "{0}_url".format(doctype) if direct_url_arg in list(request.values.keys()): # Here we could also consider raising an exception. logger.warning("Conflicting arguments %s and %s, " "defaulting to %s". storage_arg, direct_url_arg, direct_url_arg) # Preference given to the direct URL url_ = request.values[direct_url_arg] else: id_ = request.values[storage_arg] url_ = get_request_url('GET_STORAGE_DOC_REQ_URL', {'storage_doc_id': id_}) logger.debug("Resolving URL for id %s of type %s: %s", id_, doctype, url_) validate_url(url_)"Using argument %s=%s", storage_arg, url_) params['misc'][direct_url_arg] = url_ # For all *_url given in request.values, add them to the misc data # holder to async_call logger.debug("%s arguments referencing direct URLs other than" " doc_url: %s", len(url_args), url_args) for url_arg in url_args: url_ = request.values[url_arg] validate_url(url_)"Using argument %s=%s", url_arg, url_) params['misc'][url_arg] = url_ log_request(service_name, 'POST {request} request on {doc_url}' .format(request=task_name, doc_url=doc_url)) other_args = {} for key, value in request.values.items(): if not is_storage_arg(key) and not is_url_arg(key): other_args[key] = value # Add this so that all workers can know where the default associated # storage server is located. other_args['upload_url'] = APP.config['POST_STORAGE_DOC_REQ_URL'] logger.debug("Other arbitrary arguments: %s", other_args) worker_config = APP.config['WORKER_SERVICES'][service_name] celery_task_name = worker_config['celery_task_name'] params['url'] = doc_url params['name'] = celery_task_name params['app'] = CELERY_APP params['queue'] = worker_config['celery_queue_name'] params['misc'].update(other_args) logger.debug("Final param structure : %s", params) async_result = async_call(send_task_request, **params)'"%s" task submitted for %s -> UUID = %s', friendly_task_name, doc_url, async_result.task_id) store_uuid(async_result.task_id, service_name) return jsonify({'uuid': async_result.task_id})
[docs]def uuid_task(task, service_route='.'): """ Get the status or cancel a task identified by a UUID. :param task: status or cancel :param service_route: service route to obtain the requested service name :returns: JSON object with latest status or error response. :raises: :py:exc:`~.vesta_exceptions.MissingParameterError` """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) service_name = validate_service_route(service_route) if 'uuid' not in request.args: raise MissingParameterError('GET', '/{0}'.format(task), 'uuid') request_uuid = request.args.get('uuid', '') log_request(service_name, '{op} on {uuid}'.format(op=task, uuid=request_uuid))'%s request on task %s for %s', task, request_uuid, service_name) validate_uuid(request_uuid, service_name) if task == 'cancel': async_call(cancel_request, request_uuid, CELERY_APP) state = async_call(get_request_info, request_uuid, CELERY_APP) state = validate_state(request_uuid, service_name, state) return state
[docs]def get_canarie_api_response(service_route, canarie_api_request): """ Provide a valid HTML response for the CANARIE API request based on the service_route. :param service_route: Route name of the service coming from the URL e.g. : ['diarisation', 'stt', etc.] :param canarie_api_request: The request specified in the URL :returns: A valid HTML response """ service_name = validate_service_route(service_route) # The service config should return either : # - A valid URL (in which case a redirection is performed) # - A relative template file from which an HTML page is rendered # - A comma separated list corresponding to the response tuple # (response, status) worker_config = APP.config['WORKER_SERVICES'][service_name] cfg_val = worker_config[canarie_api_request] template_folder = APP.template_folder if cfg_val.find('http') == 0: return redirect(cfg_val) elif path.isfile(path.join(template_folder, cfg_val.rsplit('#', 1)[0])): return render_template(cfg_val) elif len(cfg_val.split(',')) == 2: return make_response(*(cfg_val.split(','))) else: msg = ("The service does not provide in it's configuration file a " "valid source for some of the CANARIE request API like " "documentation, support, etc. .)") raise ConfigParser.Error(msg)
[docs]def make_error_response(html_status=None, html_status_response=None, vesta_exception=None): """ Make an error response based on the request type and given information. :param html_status: HTML status, if not provided it will be extracted from the vesta_exception (at least one of html_status or vesta_exception must be provided) :param html_status_response: Standard message associated with a status code. Obtained via :py:data:`httplib.responses` if not provided. :param vesta_exception: Vesta exception instance used to obtain an exception code. Generic one is used if not provided. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) vesta_exc_instance = VestaExceptions.Instance() logger.debug("html_status_response is passed as %s", html_status_response) # Extract the real exception from a WorkerExceptionWrapper if required is_worker_exc = False real_exception = vesta_exception if real_exception is not None: if isinstance(real_exception, WorkerExceptionWrapper): is_worker_exc = True trace = real_exception.worker_exc_traceback real_exception = real_exception.worker_exception else: trace = traceback.format_exc() else: trace = None # If the HTML status is None, use the one provide by the Vesta exception if html_status is None: html_status = vesta_exc_instance.get_html_status(real_exception) # If the status response is None use the one provide by httplib if html_status_response is None: logger.debug("Getting error response from httplib") html_status_response = httplib.responses[html_status] # Else, check if html_status_response already contains the HTML status code else: logger.debug("html_status_response is %s", html_status_response) match ="^([0-9]*):? *(.*)$", repr(html_status_response)) if match and == str(html_status): # In which case it is removed from the response html_status_response = # If the Vesta exception provide a generic message it will be used in place # of the specific message given here get_g_msg = vesta_exc_instance.get_generic_message generic_vesta_exc_message = get_g_msg(real_exception) if generic_vesta_exc_message is not None: vesta_exc_message = generic_vesta_exc_message elif real_exception: vesta_exc_message = str(real_exception) else: vesta_exc_message = '' # Retrieve exception context from the traceback if trace is not None: tb_list = trace.split('\n') if len(tb_list) > 2: tb_list.reverse() exc_context_line = 3 # In RETRY case, the raise context is always inside celery # So jump to the next stack location to get the retry context if tb_list[exc_context_line].find('celery/app/') > 0: exc_context_line += 2 # From there get the first line matching File *, line *, in * match = None while match is None and exc_context_line < len(tb_list): match = re.match(' *File "(.*)", line ([0-9]+), in (.*)', tb_list[exc_context_line]) if match is None: exc_context_line += 1 continue filename = path.basename( line = fct = exc_context = '{file}:{line} in {fct}'.format(file=filename, line=line, fct=fct) vesta_exc_message += ' [{0}]'.format(exc_context) get_x_code = vesta_exc_instance.get_exception_code vesta_exception_code = get_x_code(real_exception) html_response_header = ('{status} : {resp}' .format(status=html_status, resp=html_status_response)) if real_exception is not None: vesta_exc_log_msg = ('{code} : {info}' .format(code=vesta_exception_code, info=vesta_exc_message))'The following exception has been raised : ' '%s : %s', type(real_exception).__name__, str(real_exception)) else: vesta_exc_log_msg = '''An error response is returned to the request %s :' ' %s', request.url, '[{html_resp}] {vesta_exc}'. format(html_resp=html_response_header, vesta_exc=vesta_exc_log_msg)) if request_wants_json(): # Line break doesn't make sense in JSON vesta_exc_message = vesta_exc_message.replace("\\n", " ") # Replace double quote by single one because JSON uses double quotes vesta_exc_message = vesta_exc_message.replace('"', "'") if is_worker_exc: status_response = { 'uuid': vesta_exception.task_uuid, 'status': vesta_exception.task_status, 'result': { 'code': vesta_exception_code, 'message': vesta_exc_message } } # Worker exceptions have a FAILURE status in the body but are sent # as a 200 response return jsonify(status_response), 200 else: response = { 'status': html_status, 'description': repr(html_status_response), 'vesta': { 'code': vesta_exception_code, 'message': vesta_exc_message } } logger.debug("response is %s", response) return jsonify(response), html_status else: # Escapes message properly for HTML html_escape_table = { '&': '&amp;', '"': '&quot;', "'": '&apos;', '>': '&gt;', '<': '&lt;' } vesta_exc_log_msg = ''.join(html_escape_table.get(c, c) for c in vesta_exc_log_msg) # Replace break line by the HTML <br> symbol vesta_exc_log_msg = vesta_exc_log_msg.replace('\n', '<br>') # The Markup function tells jinja to not escape the string # (use it as is) vesta_exc_log_msg = Markup(vesta_exc_log_msg) doc_url = 'http://{0}/doc'.format(APP.config['MY_SERVER_NAME']) if real_exception is not None: template = render_template('error.html', html_response=html_response_header, vesta_exception=vesta_exc_log_msg, doc_url=doc_url) else: template = render_template('error.html', html_response=html_response_header, doc_url=doc_url) return template, html_status
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_requests_db(): return get_db('Requests') # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_invocations_db(): return get_db('Invocations') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_db(name): """ Get a connection to an existing database. If it does not exist, create a connection to local sqlite3 file. If the local sqlite3 file doesn't exist, initialize it using a schema. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) database = getattr(g, '_{0}_database'.format(name), None) if database is None: d_fn = APP.config['DATABASES'][name]['filename'] database_fn = None if path.isabs(d_fn): logger.debug("Considering database fn as is/absolute") database_fn = d_fn else: logger.debug("Prepending CWD to database filename") database_fn = path.join(getcwd(), d_fn) logger.debug("Using db filename : %s", database_fn) if not path.exists(database_fn): database = g._database = sqlite3.connect(database_fn) init_db(database, name) else: database = g._database = sqlite3.connect(database_fn) return database
[docs]def init_db(database, name): """ Initialize a database from a schema """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Initializing %s database", name) with current_app.app_context(): dbs_fn = APP.config['DATABASES'][name]['schema_filename'] schema_fn = None if path.isabs(dbs_fn): schema_fn = dbs_fn else: schema_fn = path.join(APP.root_path, dbs_fn) logger.debug("Using schema filename : %s", schema_fn) with current_app.open_resource(schema_fn, mode='r') as schema_f: database.cursor().executescript( database.commit()
[docs]def log_request(service_name, url): """ Log an invocation into the DB :param service_name: service to which a request has been made :param url: URL used to access API """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) query = 'insert into invocations values(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?, ?, ?)'"Log into DB : %s", query) database = get_invocations_db() cur = database.execute(query, [service_name, request.remote_addr, url]) cur.close() database.commit()
[docs]class AnyIntConverter(BaseConverter): """ Matches one of the items provided. Items must be integer and comma separated with a space to avoid confusion with floating point value in the parser. For example:: 1, 2, 3 And not:: 1,2,3 Since it would parse as float 1,2 and 3 . """ def __init__(self, mapping, *items): BaseConverter.__init__(self, mapping) # Start by enforcing that x is an integer then convert it to string self.regex = '(?:%s)' % '|'.join([str(int(x)) for x in items])