LoadBalancer exceptions

Various exception classes used by the service gateway and utilities.

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.ConfigFormatError[source]

Indicates that the format of a configuration file was not as expected.

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.IncompatibleBackendError[source]

Indicates that the Celery backend uses a broker type which is not supported by the current class.

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.InsufficientResources[source]

Indicates that no more room for other Virtual machine instances in given cloud

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.MinimumWorkersReached[source]

Indicates that we are trying to terminate minimal levels of workers

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.MissingParameterError[source]

Missing parameter when calling ServiceGateway.

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.NoIdleWorkersError[source]

Indicates that we cannot kill any idle workers, none are idle

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.NoProfilesFoundError[source]

Indicates that rubber could not find any service profiles on which elasticity might be applied.

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.NoTearDownTargets[source]

Indicates that no idle workers could be taken down, perhaps because they are registered on the queue but not instanciated on the cloud. (?)

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.RubberException[source]

Base exception class for elasticity functions.

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.SGException[source]

Base exception class for ServiceGateway

exception ServiceGateway.exceptions.UnknownHostError[source]

Indicates that we cannot reach a given host.