
Starting the JASS

  1. Running with docker compose:
  2. Running JASS in a container

Running with docker compose:

After cloning the repository, go to the project root and execute

docker-compose up -d

This command will create JASS and MongoDB containers and run them in background. The first time this command is run, it will build MongoDB and JASS containers. Once the build is finished (the shell will resume), it will take approximately 30 seconds for JASS to initialize MongoDB.

In order to stop execution of both containers, go to project root and execute:

docker-compose stop

Running physical JASS installation:

Set ‘MONGO_HOST’ environment variable to point to mongo host location. See docker-compose.yml for this variable contents. Start JASS using


For people who want to modify JASS.
  1. Start a dev/test instance of MongoDB. Data will be saved inside the instance.

    # From project root
    cd mongo-dev
    docker-compose up -d
  2. Execute database initialisation script. This need to be run only once for test and dev environements.

    # From project root
    # Export dev configuration path and run initialization script
    python "configs/dev/config.ini"
    python "configs/dev/config.ini"
    docker-compose up
    # Use docker-compose stop to stop mongo containers
  3. Run JASS.

    python -m jass.simple_rest


The procedure is to create a document, then add/delete annotations associated with the document
Using curl to call the api.
For more information about specific commands see developer documentation at :


Creating a basic document

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"@context":"test","a":"a","b":"b"}'
This will return a document id
Ex: 53fe308de1382336346f05f7
For the late usage replace the <document_id> with the id you have obtained here.

Get the document created earlier

curl -v<document_id>

Update the document content

Note:When updating, the full content of the document is replaced. It is not currently possible to only update a part of a document.
curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"<document_id>", "@context":"test","a":"a","c":"c"}'<document_id>


Annotations can be stored in 2 storage engines:

Human Annotation Storage:

Made for annotations which are normally viewed/manipulated by humans. These annotations can be accessed and modified one by one. Annotations in human annotation storage can be accessed/searched/created/modified/delete individually or by batches. All annotations are stored in human annotation storage by default.

Large Annotation Storage:

Made for large amounts of annotations which are mostly used for preprocessing. These annotations can be accessed by batches. It is possible to create/search/remove batches of annotations. When creating a batch of annotations, fields common to all annotations can be used to search for the batch.

See documentation for more info.


Annotations manipulations can be done for annotations of one particular document at a time. This restriction was made for security and scalability issues.

Human Annotation Storage

Creating one annotation

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"@context":"test", "a":"15"}'<document_id>/annotation

Creating multiple annotations :Note: Information in the “common” information will be replicated to all annotations.

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"common":{"@context":"test"},"data":[{"a":1},{"b":"1"},{"a":1,"c":2}]}'<document_id>/annotations

Get all annotations of the document, which contain field a equal to 1. :Note: to do so we add an optional search parameter jsonSelect and specify {“a” : 1}. The syntax from search is the same as for mongo db: By default get is not restricted to the storage (ie it will return annotations which satify the criteria from bot human and batch storages). Use parameter storageType=1 parameter to restrict search to only human annotation storage

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json"<document_id>/annotations?jsonSelect=%7B%22a%22%3A1%7D&storageType=1

Verify that 4 annotations exists for this document

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json"<document_id>/annotations

Delete all annotations with value c equal to 2

curl -v -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept:application/json"<document_id>/annotations?jsonSelect=%7B%22c%22%3A2%7D

Verify that all annotations with value c equal to 2 are deleted.

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json"<document_id>/annotations

Large Annotation Storage

Creating one batch containing multiple annotations

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"common":{"@context":"test"},"data":[{"d":1},{"d":1},{"d":1,"a":1}]}'<document_id>/annotations?storageType=2

Get all annotations for the document.

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json"<document_id>/annotations

Get all annotations only annotations from large storage

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json"<document_id>/annotations?storageType=2

Searching all annotations with value a equals to 1. It is possible to see, that even if large storage contains, annotations with value, a = 1 ({“d”:1,”a”:1}), they can not be searched directly, a = 1 is not a common field of all annotations in the batch.

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json"<document_id>/annotations?jsonSelect=%7B%22a%22%3A1%7D

Searching all annotations with value d equals to 1. It is possible to see that batch annotations are found.

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json"<document_id>/annotations?jsonSelect=%7B%22d%22%3A1%7D